Homelab Guides
After setting up the Reverse Proxy, you probably noticed your web browser warning you about an invalid
certificate or your connection not being private, perhaps with error message
. As you experiment with more services, you'll find some of
them don't work at all on https, or only offer limited functionality.
There are two ways of solving this: buy a domain name and get a TLS certificate from a Trusted Root Certificate Authority (e.g., LetsEncrypt), or create your own Certificate Authority certificate and install it on all your devices.
Note: TLS is the successor to SSL. You will often see people using them interchangeably.
tl;dr Version
This should be the quickest way of generating a self-signed certificate, but I suggest reading through the explanation below, as it helps to understand what exactly you're doing here.
mkdir -p ~/tls/wildcard4
cd $_
cat << 'EOF' >> csr.conf
distinguished_name = dn
req_extensions = req_ext
prompt = no
C = ZA
ST = State
L = Locality
O = Crganisation
OU = Organisational Unit
CN = proxmox.box
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = proxmox.box
DNS.2 = *.proxmox.box
# Create a private key and Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
-config csr.conf \
-keyout wildcard4.key \
-out wildcard4.csr
# Sign the CSR using the root CA's private key
openssl x509 -req -sha256 \
-CA /etc/pve/pve-root-ca.pem \
-CAkey /etc/pve/priv/pve-root-ca.key \
-CAcreateserial \
-days 3650 \
-copy_extensions copyall \
-in wildcard4.csr \
-out wildcard4.crt
rm wildcard4.csr
What now?
You now have two files:
- The private key.wildcard4.crt
- The signed TLS certificate.
This certificate is valid on your internal network for any domain ending in proxmox.box
. You
just need to:
- Give both the signed certificate and its matching private key to nginx Proxy Manager
- Every device accessing it needs to trust your root CA certificate (
For step 1 head back to the section on nginx Proxy Manager. Step 2 follows below here.
Trusting Certificates on Windows
In an elevated prompt, run:
Import-Certificate -FilePath 'pve-root-ca.pem' -CertStoreLocation 'Cert:\LocalMachine\Root'
If you prefer using the GUI:
- Open Certificate Manager by running
- Navigate to "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
- On the menu, select Action > All Tasks > Import...
- Place all certificates in the following store: "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
- You should be prompted: "You are about to install a certificate from a CA claiming to represent Proxmox Virtual Environment"
Trusting Certificates on Linux
- Get a copy of the public certificate.
- If it's not in
format, convert it from.pem
:openssl x509 -in pve-root-ca.pem -inform PEM -out pve-root-ca.crt
- Copy it to the folder:
- Run the command:
- Test that it works:
Trusting Certificates on Android
- Copy the certificate to your phone's storage.
- To install, just double tap the certificate in a file browser.
- When installing, choose "VPN or Apps".
- "WiFi certificate" is for 802.11 authentication.
Removing a Certificate on Android
- To remove a user installed certificate, open Settings and navigate to:
- Passwords & Security > Privacy > Encryption & credentials > Credential storage > User credentials
Why, How and What?
- Why: Your browser and your servers want to ensure their connection is secure.
- How: Your browser trusts Certificate Authorities. Therefore any certificate they've signed, your browser will trust. If your browser trusts a certificate, it can create a secure connection with a server that owns the certificate (i.e., holds the private key).
- What: Your server creates a Private Key and a Certificate Signing Request. It sends the CSR to the Certificate Authority. The Certificate Authority verifies your identity, and if it is satisfied, signs the CSR which results in a Signed Certificate. It then returns the Signed Certificate to the server.
How does this secure the connection?
- The browser connects to the server and the server sends it a copy of its TLS certificate.
- The browser checks to make sure the TLS certificate was signed by a Certificate Authority it trusts.
- The browser generates a symmetric session key, and encrypts this using the server's certificate. It then sends this encrypted session key to the server.
- The server decrypts the encrypted session key using the private key that corresponds to its
- Anyone can encrypt data using the TLS certificate, but only the corresponding private key can decrypt data.
- Now that both the browser and the server have a decrypted copy of the session key, they both encrypt their traffic using it.
- Once the connection is closed, they discard the session key.
LetsEncrypt and ACME Protocol
Let's Encrypt is a non-profit Certificate Authority that provides certificates free of charge. Using the Automatic Certificate Management Environment protocol, the request and renewal of certificates can be automated using tools such as certbot.